Wednesday, 20 December 2017

How to Get Through Finals


The examination period more commonly known as 'Finals' is a period of time in a students life notoriously known to be one of the most stressful times . And speaking from experience and have been through multiple 'Finals' i would like to share how it is exactly i get through this challenging and reoccurring and even liberating time in life.

Image result for finals week

So, it has come to the end of semester and you are hit with exams and even due dates left right and centre, overwhelming right ? What you want to do is note when all of your finals are coming up including all of your due dates so you can prioritize in accordance with what assignment or final is due first.

After you have organized all of you assignments and finals on a calendar or planner whatever suits you, gather all of the materials in which you have for that particular class from: Lectures, classes, tutorials, workshops etc. and pick out the important things i.e. notes, practice questions.

So, you have rounded up everything from class this semester, and now you need to know how to efficiently cover the material in a sufficient amount of time. Take the exam or assignment date and count the days, simple right ? 

Following this read through the study guide for this particular class or if it is unclear as to what you need to know, go ahead and email your teacher, professor, or lecturer. Knowing what you need to study is good because you don't want to go overboard or learn things that aren't going to be on the exam. And start with the things you find difficult and finish with the easier concepts.

Remember to take a breather if it becomes overwhelmingly soul crushing at the amount of information you are expected to know ! No, seriously studying all the time surprisingly  isn't helpful and i have found that taking a break, doing something fun is liberating and takes your mind off of all the stress i.e. Reading a book, watching a movie, going outside etc.

If you might still be finding it difficult, call in a couple of friends or acquaintances to form a study group if you haven't already. Having other student input can also help fill in the cracks of the knowledge you may have and may also give you some much needed support and reassurance you need . 

And finally if you are struggling to wrap your head around it all just keep the end goal in mind. Whether this is the Holidays, Graduation, or Your Dream Job. It will be fine, you will be fine.

Hope This Helps,

Zoe A.M. 

Image result for finals week keep calm free

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