Sunday 31 December 2017

Choosing a Career in Highschool too Diffiicult ? Here are some ways to make it easier

So you may be thinking why do i have to  make this decision now ? Why can't i just wait to make a decision about my career ? But a principle i always live by is that you can never be too organized. That is i knew early on what i wanted to do as a career, or the area i wanted to go into and here is how i did it:
Image result for stress

1. Know what subjects at school you like and do well in: Personally i  did well in Health and English and took a liking to science subjects as i found them so fascinating. And just like i did you need to find what works for you and it is a great starting point on building the idea of a particular career.

2. Brainstorm !: Take some time to jot down the careers you can see yourself going into and if you can't think of any try and note the kind of jobs you might get from the subjects you are taking at high-school that is, what university or TAFE course do your subjects get you into.

3.Do your research !: Once you have some idea of what you want to do, search the universities or TAFE's  that are in your state or country and look at what type of courses they offer and note down ones that may peak your interest. For me i looked into universities withing Melbourne, and specifically the science degrees .

4.Know your campus !: Once you have narrowed down the universities or TAFE's that interest you, see if there is any tours or open days so you can have a feel of the campus to see if its the right fit for you !

5. Don't listen to other people all the time : You are becoming an adult and you have to start making your own decisions sooner or later. People around you may pressure you into applying to university or to apply to a certain course. But at the end of the day nobody else knows you better than YOU !

I hope these tips helped you and if you have any questions, feel free to leave one below and i will try to answer promptly.

Happy Studying ,
Zoe A.M.

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