Sunday 31 December 2017

All You Need to Know : VCE vs. VET vs. VCAL

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When i was in Yr 10 i had a decision to make and had to decide early on whether i wanted to undertake VCE , VET, or VCAL. This was pretty stressful, yet i knew from basically year 7 that i wanted to go to university and do science subjects such as Chemistry and Biology in my later years, which ultimately lead me to choosing VCE. 

In this blog i will discuss the difference between the 3 types of higher education for Yr 11 and 12's, that is the difference between VCE, VET, and VCAL and my take on it all. 

To begin i will first distinguish the differences between the three :

VCE - Victorian Certificate of Education - Is the well known and traditional pathway that most senior  high-school students take if they wish to go to university. After completing a total  of 4 Units and 16 satisfactory subject units with English being compulsory to pass, students if they are eligible - Will receive an ATAR - A number ranking that is used as a selection criteria for entrance into universities. Assessments are school based and result in a S -Satisfactory or N - Not Satisfactory grade. This is done over 2 years. 

VET - Is the type of hands on education that can be taken in conjunction with either VCE or VCAL. And at the end students are awarded a Victorian Certificate of Education and Training and either undertake a trainee-ship or apprenticeship. This is also school based learning usually done through external providers. 

VCAL - Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning - Is the type of learning for a student looking to go into a hands on job such as a trade . This hands on learning in an area of choice is taken as well as Literacy and Numeracy units. After the completion of this 2 year course students may wish to become further educated at a TAFE  or work , upon finishing high-school or starting an apprenticeship.

Now, my thoughts on all three is that at the end of the day only you know which one is right for you. When i was in high-school there was and still is a lot of stigma around people who choose VCAL and even VET, they are portrayed as lazy, unmotivated, and unintelligent people. Which is totally bogus. No one is above anyone else because of the type of education they take that is just crazy. And some people may feel bullied into doing VCE because they don't want people to think of them negatively but the main take-away message is to do you in high-school. Personally as an individual who has done VCE i can say it was one of the most toughest, stressful years of my life, it was tough there was a lot of ups and downs but i wouldn't have it any other way because in the end i reached my goal of getting into University. I would recommend that you choose what feels right for you because you don't want a life others have made for you. 

If anyone has any questions or opinions i would love to hear from you, just leave your questions and opinions below and i will reply promptly. 

Hope this Helps , 
Zoe A.M. 

Choosing a Career in Highschool too Diffiicult ? Here are some ways to make it easier

So you may be thinking why do i have to  make this decision now ? Why can't i just wait to make a decision about my career ? But a principle i always live by is that you can never be too organized. That is i knew early on what i wanted to do as a career, or the area i wanted to go into and here is how i did it:
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1. Know what subjects at school you like and do well in: Personally i  did well in Health and English and took a liking to science subjects as i found them so fascinating. And just like i did you need to find what works for you and it is a great starting point on building the idea of a particular career.

2. Brainstorm !: Take some time to jot down the careers you can see yourself going into and if you can't think of any try and note the kind of jobs you might get from the subjects you are taking at high-school that is, what university or TAFE course do your subjects get you into.

3.Do your research !: Once you have some idea of what you want to do, search the universities or TAFE's  that are in your state or country and look at what type of courses they offer and note down ones that may peak your interest. For me i looked into universities withing Melbourne, and specifically the science degrees .

4.Know your campus !: Once you have narrowed down the universities or TAFE's that interest you, see if there is any tours or open days so you can have a feel of the campus to see if its the right fit for you !

5. Don't listen to other people all the time : You are becoming an adult and you have to start making your own decisions sooner or later. People around you may pressure you into applying to university or to apply to a certain course. But at the end of the day nobody else knows you better than YOU !

I hope these tips helped you and if you have any questions, feel free to leave one below and i will try to answer promptly.

Happy Studying ,
Zoe A.M.

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Completing Large Assignments with Ease and Not Difficulty


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We have all been there, the giant, overwhelming assignments that may be worth half of your grade for the semester, which can leave you rattled to say the least. And it can sometimes leave you wondering where to start, how to start and how you are going to finish it all by the pending due date. But this blog is going to make it easier to tackle the ball of stress a.k.a Major Assignments.

To completely wrap your head around what you need to do for this assignment you need to understand the following things: The type of the assignment, the due date, the resources needed for it, and how the assignment can fit around your schedule.

What type of assignment have you been given. An Oral Presentation? Then you might need to write a speech and do some research, a Scientific Report? Then  you may need to research previous scientific reports and use class data and a plan . Additionally using a study design outline or the teachers assistance will allow you to gain a full scope of the assignment requirements.

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Next, you want to know when the major assignment is due, that is so you can adequately organize your assignment writing time, a concept called 'Chunking' introduced to me by one of my teachers its where you take a take assignment and break it up over a period of days or weeks, thus preventing unnecessary stress and increasing productivity. 

Following, you need to gather all of the resources needed. This can include researching articles, reading a textbook, and paper and pens for drafts or a laptop. After this the assignment writing begins !

And lastly you need to work this assignment around your schedule. Find time that you use to study or you are free in to focus on purely this assignment. And remember to schedule in breaks as to not become overwhelmed.

Hope this helps,
Zoe A.M.

How to Get Through Finals


The examination period more commonly known as 'Finals' is a period of time in a students life notoriously known to be one of the most stressful times . And speaking from experience and have been through multiple 'Finals' i would like to share how it is exactly i get through this challenging and reoccurring and even liberating time in life.

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So, it has come to the end of semester and you are hit with exams and even due dates left right and centre, overwhelming right ? What you want to do is note when all of your finals are coming up including all of your due dates so you can prioritize in accordance with what assignment or final is due first.

After you have organized all of you assignments and finals on a calendar or planner whatever suits you, gather all of the materials in which you have for that particular class from: Lectures, classes, tutorials, workshops etc. and pick out the important things i.e. notes, practice questions.

So, you have rounded up everything from class this semester, and now you need to know how to efficiently cover the material in a sufficient amount of time. Take the exam or assignment date and count the days, simple right ? 

Following this read through the study guide for this particular class or if it is unclear as to what you need to know, go ahead and email your teacher, professor, or lecturer. Knowing what you need to study is good because you don't want to go overboard or learn things that aren't going to be on the exam. And start with the things you find difficult and finish with the easier concepts.

Remember to take a breather if it becomes overwhelmingly soul crushing at the amount of information you are expected to know ! No, seriously studying all the time surprisingly  isn't helpful and i have found that taking a break, doing something fun is liberating and takes your mind off of all the stress i.e. Reading a book, watching a movie, going outside etc.

If you might still be finding it difficult, call in a couple of friends or acquaintances to form a study group if you haven't already. Having other student input can also help fill in the cracks of the knowledge you may have and may also give you some much needed support and reassurance you need . 

And finally if you are struggling to wrap your head around it all just keep the end goal in mind. Whether this is the Holidays, Graduation, or Your Dream Job. It will be fine, you will be fine.

Hope This Helps,

Zoe A.M. 

Image result for finals week keep calm free

Monday 18 December 2017

5 Tips to Tackle a New Year of School

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Hi Everyone,
Even though personally going back to school is a while away for me, these 10 Back to School Tips may help others that may be going back to school soon.

1. Know What Books and Supplies You Will Need
  Most schools do hand out book lists for people or some list the resources on a website, it is always helpful to compile all of the things you need for your classes in a list. If you are independently studying i.e. Home Schooling or are in an Online Course, the same can still apply just list some supplies that you will need to study or complete classes.

2.Know where your classes are
  This applies mostly to students who take classes on campus, print out a timetable once you have been allocated to classes and place it somewhere in which you won't lose it. For me i use my planner to store my timetable - Maybe you can do the same thing if you have a planner too !

3. Know how you are getting to campus and your classes
  Sometimes transportation can change - especially if you happen to take public transport or drive. Know what time you need to leave home to make it to campus on time and arrive early to your classes - Especially if your school has orientation week utilize this to find all of your classes and see how far it is from the bus stop, train station or car park for convenience.

4. Planning for the School Year Ahead
  Using a planner has really helped personally as to organize all of my assignment due dates, exams, quizzes etc. I also use my planner for personal dates i.e. Birthdays and appointments. I also found that using a planner has taken the stress of studying and school down a bit, for me organization is key to doing well in classes. The good thing about planners is that you can make them your own - i use the leuchtturm1917 dotted journal but these can be pricey so a lined notebook can do the same thing.

5. Knowing When to Take a Break
  It can sometimes be hard to take a break from studying especially when the anxiety of that impending due date is creeping up. The one thing i try to avoid is to not stay up into the wee hours of the morning and to keep a regular sleep schedule. You might feel guilty for going to bed a couple hours earlier than usual, but health comes first and education second - Because you can't be productive and enjoy studying when you sleep deprived or sick with the flu !

Hope You Enjoyed This Blog,
Zoe A.M.

Sunday 17 December 2017

7 Tips To Make Studying Productive and Fun

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 Welcome to my first blog post ! These tips can be applied to many areas of education and don't necessarily just apply to university study ! Enjoy !

1. Write It Down
  You need to know what you are going to be studying in a particular study session. I personally list everything in my planner and always start with the harder subjects/ tasks then gradually move to the easier stuff.

2. Gathering Supplies
  This is just what you are going to use in your particular study session. I.e. Pens, notebooks, laptop, snacks etc. It is also important to gather everything you will be using so you don't have to keep going back and getting things.

3. Creating a Study Environment
Whether its a desk in your room or the park lawn make a study environment that you are comfortable in. Have everything you need to studying and spread it out. The key is to make it your own !

4. Distractions Be Gone !
  If you have disruptions that hinder your studying then do your best to clear them from your environment. Maybe some classical music or noise cancelling headphones.

5. Get Studying !
Once everything set up, begin studying ! It is also important to take breaks, for example a 5 minute break to check social media or a 5 minute water break.

6. Future Study Sessions
  When you are near the end of your study session, ensure to outline in your planner or on a piece of paper what you aim to continue or start in the next study session.

7.  The Finish Line
  So you finally powered through all of your to-do's and now you deserve a much needed break. This is where you treat yourself to a nice meal or a movie, the choice is yours !